Laryngeal Paralysis (Bull Terrier)



Transmission: Complex

Mutation: Insertion, RAPGEF6 gene; c.1793_1794 ins. 36 bp, p.(I587P fs STOP 5)

Medical system: Respiratory

Breeds: Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier-Miniature

Note that laryngeal paralysis has also been associated with mutations in additional genes, including:

ARHGEF10, OMIA link: [1917-9615]

GJA9, OMIA link: [2119-9615]

RAB3GAP1, OMIA link: [1970-9615]

SBF2, OMIA link: [2284-9615]



OMIA link: [2222-9615]

Hadji Rasouliha S, Barrientos L, Anderegg L, et al. (2019)  A RAPGEF6 variant constitutes a major risk factor for laryngeal paralysis in dogs.  PLoS Genet. 15(10):e1008416. [pubmed/3164780]

Granger N. (2011) Canine inherited motor and sensory neuropathies: an updated classification in 22 breeds and comparison to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Vet J 188:274-85.  [pubmed/20638305]